RAs to Bent Tree
October 10-11, 1989
We left on Friday afternoon to take the RAs to Bent Tree and went to the campground area for a campfire and hotdogs around the fire.
 | Jason Hawkins, Jeff Ellis, Daniel Payne and Brad McDonald around the campfire. Playing in the campfire was always one of their favorite things. Our standard line was "every boy is a latent pyromaniac". |
A cat wandered into the campground, and the boys liked that. The cat seems ok with it too. Brad McDonald, Daniel Payne, Jeremy Beasley and Ryan Elcombe. |  |
 | After supper we went up to the house for the overnight. But the boys were still inclined to be active and were climbing one of the dirt banks along Chestnut Cove Trail. |
Brad McDonald and Ryan Elcombe try some ping-pong in the basement. |  |
 | In the morning we take a photo by the Buckskull sign, as is our tradition when we head out on our hike. Brad McDonald, Jeremy Beasley, Jeff Ellis, Daniel Payne, Jason Hawkins and Ryan Elcombe with Rod. |
The boys with Ed Hawkins and Brent Jones. |  |
 | The group at the top of Thunderstruck Ct. In back Brent Jones, Mark, Ryan Elcombe, Tod. Middle Brad McDonald and Daniel Payne. Front Jason Hawkins, Ed Hawkins, Jeff Ellis. This was one of our traditional photo spots before we headed into the woods and up the ridge. |
Brent Jones heads up the trail behind a column of boys as we head for the top of Big Stump Mountain. |  |
 | A rest stop on the way up the steep trail. Jason Hawkins, Mark Nave, Daniel Payne, Ryan Elcombe, Jeff Ellis, Jeremy Beasley, Brad McDonald. |
Brad McDonald, Ryan Elcombe and Jeff Ellis along the trail through the woods. |  |
 | The group high on the trail near the top of Big Stump Mountain, which is about 3000 ft. Back: Brent Jones, Mark Nave, Rod Nave, Ed Hawkins. Middle: Daniel Payne, Jeff Ellis, Jeremy Beasley, Brad McDonald. Front : Jason Hawkins, Ryan Elcombe. |
Jeremy Beasley and Brad McDonald take a rest near the top of the steep trail. From the top of Big Stump Mountain, we took the trail down behind the house which was even steeper. We always quoted "It's 45 min up and 15 min down, unless you slip, and then it's 5 minutes down!" |  |
 | When we reached the house, we drove down to the beach. Ryan Elcombe makes a catch in the frisbee game on the playground. |
Brad McDonald and Jeff Ellis try a bit of fishing on the stream leading to Lake Tamarack. |  |
Jeff Ellis caught a nice bream in the lake and seems justifiably proud.
Brad and Jeff fishing peacefully along the lakeside. It is good to give boys a chance to be out in nature and to hike and fish!
|  |
 | We stopped on the dam for a photo. Ed Hawkins, Rod Nave, Brent Jones in back. Brad McDonald, Daniel Payne, Jeff Ellis, Ryan Elcombe. |
The group by the Mableton First Baptist Church van on the dam. We transported the whole group in the van. |  |
 | On the dam with Sharptop Mountain in the background. Brent Jones with Ryan Elcombe, Ed Hawkins with Jason Hawkins, Rod Nave with Daniel Payne. Jeff Ellis in front. |
A final photo on the dam with Lake Tamarack in the background. Jason Hawkins, Jeff Ellis, Daniel Payne, Ryan Elcombe, Brad McDonald. |  |
We had beautiful weather, no casualties, and brought back the same number of boys we started out with. So we praised the Lord for another trip to Bent Tree with the Royal Ambassadors!
Rod kept the beard for a while after the Summit Adventure. At that time he was Chairman of the Premed Committee at Georgia State University and in that capacity spent a lot of time in the Arts & Sciences Dean's Office handling the recommendation process for prospective medical students. One of the memories was that one of the ladies in the Dean's Office got to know him with the beard. For years after that she would comment, "I just can't get used to you without the beard!" |  |
1989 |