Christmas Eve at Mama's
December 24, 1988
Mark and Stacy check out the Christmas tree as we gather at Grandma's for Christmas Eve. |
The family gathered by the Christmas tree. In left back corner Wesley, Mama, Denise and Sherry. Across the front Bonnie and Andy, Stacy, Mark and Matthew, Rod, Brenda and Roger.
Tina Mangum, Jeff and Mark with the Christmas gifts.
Mama with a present and Mark helping Matthew with one. Bonnie, Brenda and Roger as the gift-giving continues. Bonnie gets a card holder shaped like a dog.  |
Sherry and Brenda finally sit down to open a present.
Matthew finds allies, first Wesley with his new truck and then Tina with his rhythm box.
Bonnie and Andy, Tina and Jeff.
Stacy and Mark help hand out gifts.
 | Bonnie has a go at Matthew's rhythm box. If he needs a rhythm coach, she's probably the one with her high school band and drumset experience. |
Denise shows one of her paintings. |  |
 | Someone started a jigsaw puzzle on the dining room table and it quickly drew a crowd. Rod, Jeff, Marty Dye, Jennifer Holbrook and Andy pitch in. Mark joins in below. |
1988 |