Thanksgiving in Arkansas, 1985
 | Part of our Thanksgiving gathering for this year. Suzanne, Dave, Brenda and Vicki. Brent in front.
Suzanne Nave, Mark, Philippe and Jeff in a game of Chinese checkers. |  |
 | Vicki, Dave, Suzanne, Philippe and Mary Sue in front of Dorothy's fireplace.
Bobby and Suzanne with Brent and Brian. |  |
 | Shirley and Jennifer.
Philippe and Bobby by Dorothy's piano. |  |
 | Suzanne, Shirley and Brenda in Dorothy's kitchen.
Brian gets a ride from Dave. |  |
 | Jeff and Suzanne at Thanksgiving dinner.
Jeff and Mark with Grandmother Nave
Mark and Jeff pose with Grandmother Nave during our Thanksgiving trip to Newport, Arkansas. November 26, 1985.
This photo of Dorothy and Philippe was obtained in October 2017 from Mary Sue, who got it from Suzanne. The estimated date was mid 1980's, so it is placed here for safekeeping. The occasion was the visit of Dorothy to Philippe and Mary Sue in Longview, Tx. There is another set of pictures of Dorothy visiting Texas in 1994.
1985 |