Thanksgiving in Arkansas, 1984
Family group at Suzanne's and Bobby's house. Back row Mary Sue and Suzanne Nave, Bobby Lassiter behind Suzanne. Then Jeff Nave, Philippe and Rod with Mark in front of Rod. Dave Nave and Jim Boggs. Front row Suzanne Lassiter, Naomi Nave with Brent and Bryan Lassiter beside her.
 | Jeff and Mark with Grandmother Naomi Nave. |
Philippe and Mary Sue with Dave and Suzanne Nave. |
The two Suzannes, Suzanne Nave and Suzanne Lassiter with Mary Sue and Bryan.
Dorothy and Jim at Mother's house. |
Brent and Bryan Lassiter with their Great-Grandmother Naomi Nave.
All the kids in the floor playing video games. Back left is Bryan, front left Jeff, Brent, Suzannne, Dave, Mark.
Brent and Bryan with Mark.
One of the treats of this Thanksgiving was to get to see Junior Burlison and his youngest son Roy Lee, show here with Philippe and Mother at her house. They came by to see us and we had a neat time of reminiscing about life on the farm. Not having seen Roy Lee as an adult but a couple of times, my recollection of him is sort of like one shot we have of him on a horse. We were always playing baseball down in the corner of our pasture closest to their house. Roy Lee, the youngest, undoubtedly got the worst abuse from the process. But it must have been the trial that makes you tougher, because he was the one who grew up to be a professional fast-pitch softball pitcher and pitched in the World Series of Softball.
1984 |