To Newport, Arkansas for Thanksgiving.

We made the trip to Arkansas for Thanksgiving. One of the things Mark and Jeff like about the trip is that we stop, usually in South Pittsburg, TN, to buy fireworks to shoot off in Arkansas. Our strategy was to buy a big boxed set and let the boys negotiate how to divide the box. That typically kept them occupied for a good portion of the trip.

Here, Mark shows off part of his selection when we got to Mother's house on Garfield St in Newport.

Later we would get out in the fields near Dorothy's house for a big fireworks show.

The fireworks certainly got the attention of Brent and Bryan when they came in to visit their great-grandmother Nave.

Both Mark and Jeff are now taller than their Grandmother Naomi Nave. This picture is by her front door at the Garfield Street house.

Gathering of young ones at the Lassiters

We had a rare gathering of the children from the Nave family out at Bobby and Suzanne's. LR: Jennifer Howard, Suzanne Nave, Bryan and Brent Lassiter, Dave Nave, Jeff Nave in chair behind.

Jeff Nave with nephew Brent Lassiter, Mark Nave with nephew Bryan Lassiter.

Mark, Dave and Brent involved in a tank battle in the middle of the den floor.

A gathering of all the family's children from the southeast at the Thanksgiving celebration in Arkansas. Seated on Suzanne and Bobby's hearth are L-R: Brent Lassiter, Jeff, Dave Nave, Mark, Suzanne Nave, Jennifer Howard, Bryan Lassiter. November 24, 1983.

We celebrated with Dorothy and congratulated her on the completion of her LPN Course.

Dorothy in her LPN Uniform

Jim, Jennifer, Naomi and Suzanne had been present at the recognition at the LPN school.

Jeff and Mark with Grandmother Nave

Jeff and Mark with Grandmother Nave on our Thanksgiving trip to Newport, Arkansas. November 24, 1983.

To couples Sunday School social


Naomi Nave
  Nave Album Nave