Bent Tree Activities
August, 1979
The yellow daisies were in full bloom along Chestnut Cove as we went to the house on August 4. We went to the pool for the boys to swim and then to the house. Jeff is helping to assemble a cement mixer for our rock and concrete work.
Len had taken the lead in finishing the doors. Here he is putting a finish coat on the main floor bedroom door on August 30. |
Rod and Len work on fastening down the vanity top in the top floor bathroom. |
Rod makes the cutout for the sink using a sabre saw. |
Rod doing the plumbing of the sink for the upstairs vanity. |
Finally ready to put the vanity sink in place. |
Rod and Len assembling a new flitz-plate beam for the new basement stair structure. September 2 |
Sherry working on the finishing of the outside door. September 29 |
Rod and Len cutting out stair stringer for new basement stair. We did most of the cut with the radial arm saw, and then finished the corners with the sabre saw. |
Rod and Len and the boys were off to Bent Tree on September 29 to work on a stair from the basement floor. Rod and Len are cutting out a stair stringer for the new stair to replace the one shown at left which came with our starter kit. |  |
A small blacksnake came to visit, so Rod holds it for the boys to get a good look at it. Part of snake education to identify a non-poisonous snake. |
On October 13 we were ready to tear out the old basement stair and build the new one. Len pries up the old stair. |  |
We put our three new stair stringers in place, and Len is nailing on stair treads. |
1979 |