Winter 1976
Jeff got this beanbag for Christmas, and took to sleeping on it for a while. His Tonka front-end loader, a treasured possession, is at his feet. The multicolored pillow in front of him was also significant to him - he had taken his quiet time with it since he was two years old. Note the book dropped down in front of him. He almost always went to sleep reading. We would go in afterward to turn off the light.
Brenda in our living room, April.
It's getting a little harder to pin down the two active boys for family pictures. We got them almost still for an instant on the living room couch with Mom.
Pushing our luck, we try it again with Dad.
Jeff watches Mom light the candles on his birthday cake, May 7. Jeff was into motorcycles at the time and we had a motorcycle theme.
Mark, Jeff, Stacy Brooks, Tripp Cook and David Anderson (not shown) are present for Jeff's party.
In May we celebrated Wesley's graduation from Pebblebrook High School. Above right, Wesley opens a gift from Mama. At left, Bonnie clowns around with his diploma and robe. Below, Bonnie and Sherry with Wes at his party.
After graduation from High School, Wesley was headed into the Air Force.
1976 |