Winter and Spring of 1971
The cold days were a good time to play indoors. Mark is very active and has a great time playing with the cans in the cabinet. He zips around in his little walker, and it is evident that he enjoys his cake. Yuk! February 3.
A cardboard box provides hours of fun in the den. Marks pairs of teeth, top and bottom, shows that he can bite on stuff now, he just seems to have difficulty hitting his mouth.
We had a snow on February 13. Jeff is on the steep slope in front of our azaleas in the front yard, and has just found out that the snow is slippery and .... cold!
Rod, Jeff and Mark explore the snow just east of our house at the edge of the parking area. Jeff is now more wary since he has found out how cold it is.
Milder weather comes quickly and finds Jeff seriously engaged in the hunting of easter eggs. Mark is more interested in the candy variety of egg, but the rascal still hasn't figured out how to hit his mouth. April 11.
Mark enjoying birthday cake on his first birthday, April 13.
1971 |