To Washington, DC to visit Sherry and Len
April 27-May 2, 1969
Brenda with Jeff at the Lincoln Memorial.
On the Mall! We had built a little platform for Jeff in the back of our 1968 Volkswagen beetle and headed off to Washington, DC. Sherry and Len were living there, so it was a good opportunity for a visit and our first real road trip with Jeff other than for visiting family in Arkansas.
 Night views of the National Mall. On this clear night we got nice reflections in the long pool between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. |
Rod enjoyed trying some time exposures on this clear moonlit night. The moon cooperated by hanging over the Washington Monument.
 We enjoyed just playing around with Jeff in the flowerbeds and grounds of the Whitehouse area. |
We visited the White House on May 2. It was really gleaming white on this fine spring day.
We stopped off to see John and Nancy Baxley in Winston-Salem, NC. May 2. |
We also stopped by to visit Ronnie and Linda Jones in Durham, NC on the way back. Jeff watches Suzan Jones in her swing. May 3. |
1969 |