John Lowe to Piedmont Park Lake
February, 1962
It was the tradition of the Georgia Tech BSU to throw any guy who got engaged into the lake at Piedmont Park. John Lowe had gotten engaged early in 1962, and even though it was winter, plans were underway to uphold the tradition. John, however, had his own ideas about how this would happen.
I managed to break loose from the group and run into the lake about knee deep and told them if they wanted to dunk me they could come do it. I remember that there was much confusion among the disciples on the shore. At one point they suggested that if I would just dunk my head they would allow me to come out of the water. I told them that my feet might be frozen but my head wasn't.
The perpetrators, left puzzled on the shore by this turn of events, are Miguel Fernandez, Butch Henderson, and Leland Strange. Leland recalls that Norman Petty was also a part of the mob. These photos were provided by Duncan Sinclair.
"Billy Nowell was my roommate and had told me that I ought to keep my door locked, but I didn't think they would do anything with it this cold. I had gotten engaged, but I had a bad cold for two weeks so they had postponed the lake trip. Finally on a Sunday afternoon when it was about 30, the powers that be decided that the time had come. "
"I remember that we could see the WAGA tower out the window and it was 32 and was snowing lightly. There was a knock at the door and Billy said 'Don't open it. They are planning to take you to the lake.' I said, naw, they've got more sense than that. "
Maybe not.
 A rare snow on the Georgia Tech campus. Charlie Collum shivers behind a snow covered car.
1962 |