Ridgecrest Group Picture
June, 1960
A big event for us in the spring was the trip to Ridgecrest Assembly in North Carolina for Student Week at Ridgecrest. A large number of students from the Georgia Tech Baptist Student Union went and a sizable number of nursing students from Georgia Baptist Hospital. We also got to meet students from Mercer in Macon.
Starting from the left, I am identifying some of the Tech students and others we knew.
 | In left photo at left in middle row is Laddie Rollins. In the right photo, bottom right is Brenda Whitlow, who became Brenda Shoemaker.
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 | Near the middle top of the photo there are several Tech students. Second row down second from left Aubrey Bush, then two over is Jim Bennett, then Bob Rutland. Third row down left is Gary Watson, then two over is Eddie Hooper, then Freddie Wood. |
Lower in the mid section is this group. Second row down, fourth over is Clayton Teague, then Jerry Phillips and George Kreider. Third row down, third over is Duncan Sinclair, then Ronnie Jones and Miguel Fernandez. Fourth row down Brenda(to-be Henderson), Butch Henderson, Ray Shirley, Tex Moore and R.B. Coulter. |  |
 | Top row left is Eugene Briscoe, who became the state BSU Director sometime after Aubrey Hawkins. Third row down left is George Kreider, then Ronald and Donald Purvis. On the right end is Rausey Mason. Fourth row down Mrs & Mr Aubrey Hawkins and below them two of their children. To the right of Aubrey Hawkins is Joyce McMillan. |
1960 |