Duncan Family Album Pictures
Herbert, Marjorie and Wesley at home.
 | Herb and Denise enjoy a rare Atlanta snow in front of the house on Hillcrest Drive. Denise would be 6 years old. |
Brenda with Joan Rutherford (Melton). This was on prom night. |
Group of new high school graduates on their senior class trip to Daytona Beach.
Night shot of the group at Daytona. This was the group of roomates at the lodge which was across the street from the beach. |
Brenda and Ann Pittman at the lodge where all the senior class members stayed.
Joan Rutherford and Wayne Ivey .
Denise school picture. Based on guessing her age as seven. |
Herbert, Marjorie and Grannie Dawson at Christmas time 1959. Wesley is shown at left edge of photo. He would have been about 22 months old.