Gathering at the Nave House on the Hill
November, 1954
This is perhaps the happiest looking picture of my Mother and Father that I know of. This was taken in the front room of the house, in front of the fireplace which was rarely used. In fact the front room was rarely used. The family story is that both Rodney and Philippe were born in this room. The picture is from a slide of Edgar's, dated November 54.
| This picture of Mother is extracted from the above, scanned from a 50 year old kodak slide in Edgar's collection. |
Family gathered in front room. Rodney and Carl are holding down the mantlepiece. Dorothy is holding infant Suzanne. Janet is making faces at Philippe, and Shirley and Jim are looking angelic. I suppose Mother is just taking advantage of a rare moment of calm with this crowd around.
 | Dorothy with Suzanne, Jim and Shirley in the front room. |
After the inside stuff, we got out the horse and Janet had a ride. Philippe leads Kate the mare across our front yard. |  |
 | Janet tempts the dog with a biscuit as Dad holds her. We often referred to our dogs as "biscuit hounds". The two big black walnut trees flank the driveway, and the white mailbox post catches my eye since it was one of my first projects in the high school shop course. |
Janet enjoyed feeding biscuits to the dog, and the dog was certainly enthusiastic about it. |  |
 | Jim plays in the sand atop the hill on the old homeplace. |
1954 |