Brenda family history
| Brenda's Grandmother Izora Dawson in Rainbow Springs, Florida. |
Ralph Hayes, Aunt Katherine's husband, with Grannie Izora Dawson and Aunt Katherine.
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Brenda's recollection was that Katherine and Ralph were not married all that long, so that she and Bonnie were the only ones who had any recollection of him. But Katherine maintained some relationship with the family, and years later when we went in with Aunt Katherine for half a beef, we were dealing with Ralph's brother Clarence Hayes.
| Brenda's Aunt Jennie Kersey and Granny Izora Dawson. |
Baby picture of Brenda, born August 26, 1941 and named Brenda Carolyn Mason. According to her Mother's notes, she was born at 5:50pm at Grady Hospital in Atlanta.
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1929 |