Christmas in Pearl River
December 25, 2011
When we arrived at Jeff and Darla's, Elyse wanted to tell Grandma Brenda about her new doll. They were all excited about their first round of gifts. |
Brenda and I drove over from Abita Springs about 8am to join in with the opening of stockings with Ashleigh, Jordan and Elyse. We enjoyed being with them for their traditional stockings. They make stockings for us as well. |
Jeff and Darla enjoy the stockings as well. The girls are very creative with notes and drawings and small gifts. Darla had fixed a wonderful big breakfast, so we paused from the gifts to enjoy Christmas breakfast together.  |
After breakfast we were back to the Christmas tree as the girls hand out the wrapped gifts from under the tree. |
Ashleigh presents a drawing of the Nativity to Brenda. She had also done a canvas painting for Louis.  Jordan shows her excitement about one of Ashleigh's gifts. |
We had fun with a gift to Jeff from Marty which allowed you to make a good speaker out of a cardboard box. |
Surprisingly, when we attached the little sound driver to a thin cardboard box, it sounded like a hi-fidelity loudspeaker. Later, we attached it to a hollow-core door at the Moyles and got even louder sound.
We headed out to Northshore Church in Slidell for the Christmas day service. We visited with folks in the foyer and Elyse caught up with friend Wyatt Victory. |
Jeff and the girls dramatized the reading of the scripture from Luke 2 about Jesus' purification in the temple and the stories of Simeon and Anna.
This was the scripture upon which Pastor Larry's Christmas sermon was based. |
Northshore Church sanctuary was decorated with snowflakes, which were very artistically done. George Tassin plays the drums and Byron Long leads the congregation in singing. |
After the church service, we all collect at the Moyles for brunch and celebration of Christmas around their tree. |
 Robbie introduces the youngest of the nine, Josiah Wells, born August 8, 2011. |
Judy Moyle and Brenda get a minute to visit. Brenda is fond of telling folks that the Moyles "adopt" us for Christmas and let us enjoy all their nine grandchildren, our own three included.  |
As the gift activity swirls around Dave and Judy, Ashleigh presents them with a framed drawing that she has done.
After his introduction, little Josiah gets mobbed by the other children. |
Josiah gets settled in on the couch with Dad, and big brother brings him a bottle. He may decide that these Christmas celebrations with all the children are alright. |
Josiah with his family on his first Christmas Day. |
We enjoyed the time of gift giving and receiving with the family.
I was humming along "O Tidings of Comfort and Joy". Above, Jeff and Leslie were enjoying gifts, Elyse and Caleb enjoying a game, and even the dog was at peace. Dave, Judy and Darla seem to be experiencing the joy of the occasion. |
Debbie arrived with Jonathan, Jessica and their grandmother Linda Ringo. That completed the group of nine grandchildren. Jessica joins the other girls looking at and iPad.
It's dinner time and five of the kids gather around the kitchen table. Darla and Lindsey make sure that Josiah gets fed.  |
Ashleigh and Jessica settle in for dinner on the living room couch. After dinner, the gingerbread house was transferred to the kitchen table and made available for eating.
 | After dinner was game time, and a large crowd of Scattergory players and observers gathered around the large dining table.
Jordan is in the game, and Jeff is her observer, or coach, or something. |
It was a great opportunity to get a picture of all nine of the Moyle grandchildren, including the youngest, Josiah Wells, born August 8, 2011. Seated on the hearth are Bethany Moyle, Jordan Nave, Jessica Ringo, Elyse Nave, Jonathan Ringo, and Lindsey Moyle. In front are Ashleigh Nave and Caleb Wells, holding young Josiah.
2011 |