Relaxing Friday
November 24, 2006
Having enjoyed the gathering on Thanksgiving Day we took another day to just relax with the family on Friday. Jeff and family had this day to stay with us, so we played in the yard and around the area.
Just when we thought Ashleigh and Jordan were too old to play in the playhouse, they invented a new game. With Ashleigh's flair for the dramatic, they were able to produce a convincing performance of terror at the onslaught of the monster leaf-blower in the hands of Uncle Mark. |  |
Mark proceeds to cover up the house with leaves, and with Ashleigh and Jordan inside it! Elyse hangs with Mom and doesn't know what to think about this crazy process.
Now for some dramatics from Ashleigh and Jordan as they feign terror at being buried alive in the playhouse by a massive mound of leaves.
Oh, no! The monster leaf blower has the house almost totally covered with leaves! They can't get out. And is that smoke in the air? If it gets in the leaves, this could spell disaster!
The relentless onslaught of leaves continues and Ashleigh and Jordan are about to be buried forever.
But sister Elyse, who has stood by as long as she could, springs into action. No, No, Uncle Mark! Don't bury my sisters!
Not to worry, Elyse. Your sisters are quite resourceful, and sneaky too! They catch a time when the monster leaf blower is on the other side of the house and make their escape. |  |
So Ashleigh and Jordan made their escape, and about that time Grandma appeared on the scene. That always makes everything better. With a wave of her hand, she got the monster leaf blower to turn loose of Uncle Mark, and all was well! |  |
  | Elyse plays with Grandma in the leaves and the playhouse. |
The next adventure was a trip to the creek where we had to cross the creek on logs. The girls cheer Mom on as she crosses.
  | There were plenty of crossing places, but with all the fallen trees, they were challenging. The girls like to go to the creek, and maybe Jeff does too since he played here when he was their age. |
 | Finally we had to let them go on Saturday morning for the trip back to Pearl River. We were already looking forward to the Christmas trip. |
2006 |