Christmas Day 2006
We went to the Moyles for brunch on Christmas morning. They had not been back in their house very long after the repair of the major damage by Katrina. We were grateful to see them back in the house, which looked very nice.
| In our time of gift giving, Caleb brings a gift to Elyse. They are our two youngest, and Elyse is just old enough to enjoy Christmas. |
Jeff and Rod enjoy watching Elyse play with the little basketball set that one of them got for Christmas.
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| Ashleigh is excited about some clothing she received and celebrates with Grandma Brenda. |
Ashleigh shows her nice paint set to Grammy Moyle, her other grandmother. We have thoroughly enjoyed being accepted in with the whole Moyle family to celebrate Christmas.
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| Elyse enjoyed the whole gift opening process, but she stuck pretty close to Mom. |
| Jordan joins in the excitement of assembly of Elyse's circus toy. |
Elyse absorbed in playing Circus.
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| Elyse is starting out early, loving books. She has been read to since she was born. |
Robby and Caleb work on his new mechanical toy.
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| Another book lover, Ashleigh is prone to sneak off and read. |
Jordan celebrates a new doll with Grammy Judy.
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Ashleigh, Elyse and Jordan carefully examine some small figures that came with a gift.
A rare moment with all of the six children still enough for a photo. Diane with Caleb Wells, Ashleigh, Elyse and Jordan Nave, Lindsey and Bethany Moyle
Darla, Caleb and Elyse with Dave and Judy Moyle. This was a pleasant family gathering around the fireplace, and we felt privileged to be a part of it.
2006 |