Trip to Bent Tree
June 22-23,1999
Jeff and family arrived on Monday, and on Tuesday we decided to drive up to Bent Tree for the day and night. It was a relaxing trip except for the minor item of running out of gas in the VW van on the way up. We were just south of Woodstock, and we recalled that Ray and Jennie Hembree had moved up to that vicinity a year or so ago. We called Ray on Jeff's cellular phone, and Ray brought us out five gallons of gasoline.
Ashleigh enjoyed taking things out of the cooler and playing around the kitchen area.
Ashleigh with her "nite-nite", the security blanket that Darla custom made for her after taking her through the aisle at the cloth store to feel of different fabrics. At Bent Tree on June 23, 1999.
Ashleigh is 15 months old.