Sunday Supper in Hiawassee with the GaTech BSU Alumni
April 23, 2023
Lake Chatuge, Hiawassee, Georgia
It was a blessing to again gather the Ga Tech BSU alumni group at the Chatuge Lodge on Lake Chatuge in north Georgia. The above group picture was taken at our Monday afternoon gathering. As summarized in an interactive history of our group meetings, we had met here almost annually up to 2018, when we were discouraged from large gatherings during the covid era. We had a Zoom meeting in late 2020 when we had enjoyed having Sue Woolf with us before she went to be with the Lord in March of 2021. We revived the Hiawassee meeting tradition in 2022. In the current gathering, we continue a fellowship of over 60 years in duration. We shared some history of that fellowship with the current Georgia Tech BCM (not BSU) when our church did a meal for that BCM in March 2023. Many thanks to Frank and Babs Gudger for making the arrangements in Hiawassee. The springtime in the mountains was very beautiful and we had wonderful views of Lake Chatuge from our meeting area and our rooms.
The Georgia Tech group was excited about another gathering of our BSU alumni group in Hiawassee and about twenty of us arrived on Sunday afternoon. Leland Strange had arranged a special meal time at Mary's Southern Grill in Hiawassee, which was not normally open on Sunday evening. They scheduled a time just for us.
 | We gathered at the restaurant at about 6pm, having come from Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Alabama and Georgia. |
CCW around the table from near left: Clayton Teague, Ron and Linda Jones, Nancy and John Baxley, Laddie Rollins, Becky Rollins, Ellen Teague, Frank and Babs Gudger, Sam Shelton, Nancy Bonds, Rogers Redding, Gary Beckdal.
We are settling in to our places. The staff had set up a long row of tables to get us all together. | 
 | In the other direction CW Babs and Frank Gudger, Becky Rollins, Clayton and Ellen Teague, Art and Gwen Sherwood, Brenda Nave, Laddie Rollins, John and Nancy Baxley. |
The servers were very nice and efficient and the food was excellent, so we had a great time of food and fellowship. We had a total of 20, with only Leland missing from these photos. He was busy taking care of us all! | 
| I finally got Leland Strange in this photo, so he did get to eat. Also Jim Bennett has joined us second from left. |
After the great meal and fellowship time at Mary's, we were still in conversation with each other at 9:30pm in the meeting room on the third floor of the Lake Chatuge Lodge. Thanks to Frank and Babs for the accommodation arrangements including this gathering room. | 
2023 |