Spring Awakening with Flowers, Trees, and Birds
April 9, 2022
 | We were very pleased with this year's display by two of our oldest azaleas. These two by our driveway were in place when we moved into the house in 1968. Last year we had trimmed dead limbs and fertilized, so they were saying "thank you". |
The budding of the trees, particularly some of the oaks in our back yard, was a bit later than usual. We had some cold weather at the first of April, so perhaps that was the reason. But this view of our tall trees leafing out agains the blue sky was inspiring. |  |
April 12
 | In just three days, there was a noticeable increase in the greening of the back yard trees. The Japanese maple in the front yard adds welcome color. |
April 21
We got a few spiderwort plants from Aunt Dorothy several years from her old house. She warned that they tended to spread, and she was right, but so far they have been an attractive addition to our back yard at the base of two of the big oak trees. |  |
The spiderwort is much more dramatic and elegant when viewed closeup. These photos are on April 28.
April 25
 | In our crowded flower bed close to the road in the front yard, the iris have the advantage of blooming first. |
May 7
These iris are in the dense bed of green growth in the middle of the front yard.
2022 |