Ashleigh Graduates from Tulane
 | Ashleigh finished her degree in Neuroscience at Tulane, and there was supposed to be a graduation ceremony on May 16, 2020. But Covid changed all those plans for ceremonies.  |
This made the awarding of the degree official, but the ceremony at the Stadium had to be canceled. |  |
 | Ashleigh did get a cap and gown, and around the first of May, Jordan took some pictures demonstrating her graduation in the City of New Orleans. This one places her on the Tulane campus with her cap and gown. |
On the campus of Tulane. |  |
 | A more casual shot with just the academic cap to signify the occasion. Characteristic New Orleans setting, looks like the French Quarter. |
The traditional toss of the academic cap in front of the St. Louis Cathedral in downtown New Orleans.
We did join online for an impressive graduation ceremony a little later, and then we drove down for a family graduation celebration on June 20 at Jeff and Leslie Moyle's. |  |
2020 |