Spring Family Activities
March 9, 2017
 | | We drove up to the Bent Tree house on March 9 to turn the water on and check over the house. It was a beautiful day, but too early for any leaves on the trees at that altitude. The view of the mountain ridge from our front deck, below, is one of our favorite views. |
 | | Looking down the driveway and over toward Sharptop Mountain, we could as yet see no signs of spring. We checked the propane tank and found evidence that the squirrels had used their stock of nuts that they had stored under the lid. We discovered the stash in November but left it for them. Their warm-looking nest was still intact.  |
March 17, 2017
 | | Jordan dressed up for Prom night in Pearl River, Louisiana. Seems early in the year for the prom. Jordan is a senior at Pearl River High School.  Jordan and Kylea |
Jeff with Jordan on Prom night. We don't have the full story on this, but Jeff as Chaplain of the Slidell Police Force typically goes down to pray with the members of the Slidell Police Force on Friday evenings before the evening shift. He then often rides with one of them for the Friday night shift, in which case he has to be in full uniform. So it looks like he was on duty on prom night and rode by where Jordan was. |  |
April 1, 2017
 | | Above is a view of the emerging leaves from the front of our house. It has been a strange beginning of the year with warm January and February, and a cold snap in March. But when the leaves came out, they came out more beautifully than I have seen in years. With the storms of last week, the sky was clear and blue. At left, a view of the trees behind the house, many of which are in the 100ft range in height. |
April 6, 2017
 | | We had a dawn visit from a large possum at 7am on April 6. He poked around under our side bird feeders. This was the best I could do with a picture in that low light. I was headed out from the house a few minutes later and saw him crossing the driveway to Gus's house, so he was just exploring the neighborhood. Our bird feeders attract several cats and the hawks, but this was the first possum we had seen in a long time. |
April 8, 2017
Above is a continuation of my reverie with the beauty of the leaves this year as the trees fill out more with their spring growth. I was in the back yard and enjoyed the beauty of the blue sky and trees over the house.
The iris in the front yard surprised us with their beauty this year. This was on April 10.
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April 15, 2017
 | | Grammy Judy had a half dozen of the grandkids over for an egg decoration session. From left around the table are Jessica, Ashleigh, Jordan, Josiah, Aunt Diane. At right is Elyse and I believe that is her friend Caitlyn behind her. |
Jessica and Ashleigh are trying some more sophisticated designs on their eggs.
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 | | This is Grammy's crafty contribution to the Easter celebration: bottle bunnies for each of the nine grandchildren. |
Easter, April 16, 2017
We appreciated the picture of Ashleigh, Jordan and Elyse on Easter.
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