Food Pickup for the Food Pantry
Tuesday, January 31
Our Food Pantry is a major ministry of Mableton First Baptist Church, so I was interested in the process of obtaining food from the Atlanta Food Bank. I accompanied Neal and Gayle Hunter for the morning pickup of food.
 | Neal drove his pickup and trailer to the Food Bank location in Atlanta. We were there for opening at 7am and there were about six groups that had appointments at that time. We went into the warehouse and waited our turn. |
Neal backed his trailer into one of the bays to await loading. The orders from various organizations were packaged with plastic wrap on pallets. There were two pallet loaders zipping around carrying the big orders of food. |  |
 | A couple of groups had much larger orders than ours. They loaded four pallets of food into this truck. |
Finally our turn came and the first of two pallets of food was loaded onto Neal's trailer. |  |
 | With our two pallets of food loaded, we were ready to head back toward the church. |
We unloaded thirty banana boxes of assorted food items into the hall in the pantry ares. We also had over a dozen boxes of frozen food which we put in freezers or into bins to be iced. Most of that frozen food was to be handed out on this day, the regular day for access to the Food Pantry. |  |
Many thanks to the folks who work hard with the Food Pantry ministry. It is a blessing to the Mableton community.
2017 |