Monday, June 5, 2017
We left at 7am for the 2+ hour drive to Granada. The most famous attraction there is the Alhambra. We had been forewarned that it was just swamped with tourists from all over the world, so we decided early not to brave the sometimes hours wait to get inside. Still, the walk around the walls to see the structure and setting was one of the highlights of the day.
 | Chris and Brenda by the excellent map of the Alhambra plan. The entire collection of exhibits was extremely well-done, fitting a world-famous tourist destination. We heard a half-dozen languages we recognized and several we didn't. |
We started our own walking tour of the outside of the Alhambra. The gardens had all kinds of devices to control water flow to the garden areas. |  |
 | The large garden area could be explored freely. We covered only a small part of it.
There were lots of educational exhibits, befitting a location with history back to 800AD.
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 | We decided to explore the stone lane that led down beside the massive walls on the garden side.
| A short distance down the stone lane we began to get views of the ancient city up on the slopes on the opposite side of a stream.  |
 | Chris and Rod continue down the cobblestone lane. We began to appreciate more the huge size of the Alhambra. The walls continue down to the bottom of this valley and then swing along that bottom and back up the slope.
It was exhilirating to get a little bit out of the crowd of the city and walk by these ancient wallls.
 | We had a relaxing walk among ancient walls once we got back up the steep slope.
When we got back to the entrance, we went to the City Bus route and rejoined the tour route.
2017 |