Becky Ridgway 20th Anniversary
Sunday, February 26
Ever faithful, Becky is in her place in the choir on this morning on which she is to be honored for 20 years of service on the staff.
| At the appointed time, Keith Weaver as Chair of the Personnel Committee called Becky and Ricky up to honor them. |
 | Keith presented to her a gift from the church, but this was just the beginning. |
Keith waits for things to calm down a bit after the gift, and then they start a video made by persons in the church and finishing with a children's group shouting "We love you, Mrs Becky!" and playing on their musical instruments. |  |
All of this ended with a standing ovation as we honored her years of faithful service. We were honoring her for 20 years on the staff, but we who have been around longer know that her service began much before that as she began working with Mrs Inez Russell in the Kindergarten.
 | It was indeed a joyful time of celebration for everyone! |
We continued the celebration with a fellowship meal in the Fellowship Hall and had an additional time of recognition and testimonies from those who have worked with Becky over the years.
2017 |