Vacation Bible School "Submerged"
June 5-9, 2016
| Vacation Bible School "Submerged"
June 5-9, 2016 |
The fellowship hall was filled with yellow "Submerged" shirts as the VBS workers gathered for a light supper before the first night of VBS. |  |
Thanks to the hard work and planning of Waymon Story, Mary Brumbelow and Susan Johnson, we had nice suppers each night before the activity of VBS.
When the children entered the foyer of the church they were greeted by Elaine Ridgway and Tammy Miller in the "Submerged" setting. We can always depend on the creativity of Elaine and Tammy, who acted as greeters in addition to leading sessions for the children.
 |  Betsy Weaver, Carol Durand and Becky Ridgway were the mainstays of the registration process. Thanks to Becky and Lana Ebert for the overall planning and coordination of the VBS. |
Lana Ebert, Mike Anderson and Becky Ridgway kept things organized and moving with the children in the VBS. Bud Durand taught an adult Bible study during the same period for parents and others, and Carol Durand worked with the registration.
Lana starts out this year's VBS, "Submerged" with enthusiasm and the children are very responsive. Thanks to Brett and Betsy Graham for the construction of the sets for this year's VBS. |  |
Suddenly the air in the sanctuary is filled with beachballs and it is clear that this part of our VBS tradition is enjoyed by the children.
 | Heather Daniell and Kelly Thompson lead the "Submerged" songs and choreographed motions. There is also a video sequence of an adventure story that goes along with the theme. |
In keeping with the "Submerged" theme, lots of the motions associated with the songs are of swimming and diving. |  |
Mike Anderson and Lana Ebert led the opening assemblies and then the children left with their age groups to the teaching sessions.