Vacation Bible School "Journey Off the Map"
May 31-JUne 4, 2015
 | This year's Vacation Bible School theme was "Journey off the Map". Laura Anderson and Heather Daniell lead the music with interpretive motion in the sanctuary during our opening ceremony. They, along with Vicki Baker, also led the Music sessions for the Grades 1-5 division.
The tradition of a theme for VBS follows 2014 and other recent years. |
A popular part of the opening ceremony was the launching of beachballs from the balcony. The air was full of beachballs of various sizes. |  |
 After the video the group divided into five groups for preschoolers and five groups grades 1-5. Each division had stations for Missions, Bible Study, Crafts, Music and Recreation. | The active opening session included Lana Ebert and Mike Anderson, and a cheer led by Pastor Clint Miller. Along with the music there was a continuing video story that developed further each night.  |
 The Bible Study for Grades 1-5 groups was led by the creative team of Roger and Jesslyn Frater. The different grade groups cycled in for 25 min sessions. |  |
The Missions study was led by Jennifer Ridgway. Here, Brenda Speight has brought her Grade 1 group in for their mission study session.
The Craft section for Grades 1-5 was led by Gail Wade and Cheryl Anthony with youth helpers Tory Frater and Evie Mode. |  |
Elaine Ridgway led the Bible study for the Preschool division. |  |
Tammy Miller leads the preschool Missions study. Here Lisa Carey and Amy Elliott have brought their groups to the Mission study.
 | The pre-school Music session was led by Danielle Bialka and Kim Krebs. They had put a lot of creative effort into decorating in the wilderness adventure theme. This is the preschool group led by Wanda Willey and Lisa Carey. |
April Cantrell and Billy Ridgway led the Craft session for the preschoolers, with youth assistant Amber Speer. This is the preschool group led by Lisa Carey and Wanda Willey in their craft time.
This is the preschool group led by Amy Elliott in their craft time.
 | The children were fascinated by the bearded dragon, named "Drago" brought to "Journey Off the Map" by J'Markus Dubose. |
Special thanks are due to the youth who helped in leadership with the children's groups. The children loved them.
2015 |