Jeff and Family Visit
February 13-17, 2015
 | Jeff and family arrived at nearly midnight on Friday the 13th. On Saturday morning we celebrated Valentine's Day at breakfast with balloons and gifts.  Ashleigh had an art assignment due at school, so she taped it up on the big window with the morning backlight. |
 | It was clear but some of our coldest weather of the winter. Elyse still braved it to climb the tree in the front yard.  |
 | With the cold weather, we mostly just relaxed indoors, watched movies, etc. There was a good bit of just playful fellowship.  |
Jordan and Ashleigh were lots of help to Grandma Brenda in the kitchen. |  |
 | We were pleased that Mark could come out to join us on Saturday while he is deciding which of four movie startups to jump on.  Ashleigh would go over and make small changes to the artwork she is doing for school to celebrate Black History Week in New Orleans. |
It is kind of rare to get Brenda and Rod, Jeff and Mark around the table together. We were enjoying something like second-breakfast. It was a pleasure to get some time for the four of us to talk.
Elyse gets a calm piggy-back ride from Uncle Mark but then gets caught up in some rowdiness with Jordan and Ashleigh.
 | This seems like a moment of calm, but they may be just thinking up new mischief. |
Elyse and Grandma Brenda join in the picture. |  |
After church on Sunday we gathered for dinner at home. Stacy and Jason joined us for dinner.
 | We had a relaxing afternoon with everyone just doing what they felt like. Here I just happened to catch everyone together. It was good to just relax and be playful. |
We enlisted Marty to take a family picture before they headed out for home on Tuesday, February 17. Rod, Jordan, Ashleigh, Darla, Jeff in back, Brenda with Elyse seated.
 | We had to do a bit of clowning around in the process. I thought this was a good picture of Darla and Jeff.  |
2015 |