80th Birthday Celebration for Aunt Dorothy Watts
February, 2015
Part of the group gathered to celebrate the 80th birthday of Brenda's Aunt Dorothy Watts. The celebration was given at Spirit Life Church of God on Hill Road, the church where Dorothy's daughter attends and where Dorothy formerly attended. Shown here are Richard and Pat Ergle, Brenda, Dorothy, Caleb Hunton (Marie's grandson), Marie Lewis, Sheryl Lewis Hunton (Marie's daughter and Caleb's Mom). We had gotten together for Dorothy's 75th five years ago.
 |  Dorothy with daughter Jeanette Mitchell as they prepare to cut sing Happy Birthday. |
Brenda with Aunt Dorothy as she prepares to cut the big cake. |  |
 | One of the persons Brenda got to talk with at the celebration was Sandra Paine Armstrong, a neighbor from childhood. The Paine family lived across River Road from the Duncans from 1946-59. Sandra's older sister Betty was Brenda's age and a close friend. |
After the cake and refreshments, Dorothy sat down at the piano in the church foyer and quickly began to draw a crowd. |  |
The crowd kept growing, and Brenda is telling Cory that his Grannie is playing the piano. L-R Caleb Hunton, Richard Ergle, Sheryl Lewis Hunton, Marie Ergle Lewis, Brenda Nave, Stacey Mitchell Sargent with Cory Sargent front, Kristin Sargent, Jeanette Mitchell with Debbie England in front, Pat Ergle behind Dorothy, Judy, Tommy. Laura Mitchell Davis right.
 | Then we got into singing gospel songs around the piano. "I'll Fly Away" was one of them. Kristin Sargent, Jeanette Mitchell with friend Debbie England in front. Debbie went to school with Jeanette and is a good friend. She helped as hostess for the party. Pat Ergle behind Dorothy, then Judy and Tommy. |
We had a good time singing around the piano. It was certainly like Aunt Dorothy to be happiest when she was being of service. She is an inspiration to all of us. L-R Kristin Sargent, Pat Ergle, Debbie England, Dorothy, Judy, Tommy, Sandra Paine Armstrong. Extreme right Laura Mitchell Davis. Left of Laura is Charles Mitchell's niece, but I didn't get the name.
2015 |