April 13, 2014
 | The Mableton First Baptist choir presented the musical "Redeemed" on Sunday evening, April 13. The first number was titled "Our God With Us" with Jennifer Good doing the solo. These are still frames from the video camera. Thanks to John Ford for taking the video. |
The second number was "Open Up the Heavens" with Rhonda Short doing the solo. |  |
 | With Rhonda above is the left side of the choir. Back row L-R Ryan Williams, Eddie Good, Matthew Smith, Neal Hunter, Rod Nave, Milton Bryant. Middle row: Patty Burkhardt, Carol Durand, Jennifer Good, Jennifer Hendrix, Laura Ervin, Kim Krebs. Front row: Vickie Baker, Nan LaFlash, Delores Knisley, Barbara Porter, Gayle Hunter, Karla Ayers. Directing is Mike Anderson with Evan Baker on percussion. |
The middle section of the choir. Back row L-R: Neal Hunter, Rod Nave, Milton Bryant, Duane Slaton, Tony Mode, Joe Baker. Middle row: Jennifer Hendrix, Laura Ervin, Kim Krebs, Elise Rowland, Lane Holloway, Gail Wade. Front row: Barbara Porter, Gayle Hunter, Karla Ayers, Janet Vineyard, Becky Ridgway, Julie Mcinturff. |  |
 | Right side of choir L-R, back row: Joe Baker, Roger Frater, Barry Long, Tye Durand, Bud Durand, Bob Wade. Middle row: Gail Wade, Sara Payne, Ruth Floyd, Anita Hardie. Front row: Julie Mcinturff, Ayers, Heather Daniell. Chris Ebert on bass. |
Barry Long does the narration and Mike Anderson has the solo in "Redeemed".  |  |
Tye Durand has the solo in the piece entitled "Victorious God".  |  |
 | Jennifer Hendrix has the solo in "Grace Flows Down", accompanied by Belinda Baker. Then Belinda joins in a duet with her on the "At the Cross" section. |
"The Gospel Changes Everything" featured Laura Ervin as soloist. |  |
 | The choir sang an arrangement of "Cornerstone" with "Mighty to Save" and then finished up with a reprise of "Victorious God" featuring Tye Durand. |
2014 |