Chili Supper with Sunday School Class
Friday, January 10, 2014
 | We had a chili supper for the Sunday School class, and had probably 8 pots of chili and lots of sides and desserts. It was great fun to get together. |
Part of the group settled in the breakfast area. John and Robin Ford are at the end of the table. |  |
 | This was a family social, so the young folks came along. Some of them were shy, some not. |
More folks gathered to fill this table. Betsy Weaver, Lalie and Tony Mode, John and Robin Ford, Brenda, Barry and Kim Krebs, Jesslyn Frater. |  |
 | Gathering at the dining room table were Brenda and Roger Speight, Al and Janet Vineyard, Vicki and Joe Baker. |
After supper, the youth retired to the basement to play pool. |  |
 | The pool game drew players and observers, and we showed "Monsters University" while this was going on. |
It takes good concentration to shoot with all this going on. |  |
 | It was good to see the pool table get some use. We very much enjoyed it years ago when Jeff's group used it a lot. |
The ladies had an active gathering in the living room to talk about how to encourage the women's ministry and to sign cards for the church's shut-ins. |  |
The men meanwhile gathered in about three groups for conversation. The group totaled 37 persons. It was all great fun.
2014 |