Fireworks in the Magic Kingdom
May 29, 2013
 | After the light parade along the street in the Magic Kingdom, we moved to Main Street in clear view of the Castle to see the fireworks display. It started at 10pm.  |
Although it is a bit messy, I think this is my best shot to show the situation in which we viewed the fireworks display. We were packed like sardines on the wide Main Street of the Magic Kingdom - there had to be several thousand people on that wide street, about three blocks long. |  |
Everyone was good-natured, and it was a festive crowd in which everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Lots of family groups like our group of seven. You can see a couple of iPads being used to photograph it. The things you can't get here are the powerful booms of the fireworks and the oohs and aahs of the crowd.
They had a vast range of variability with the changing colors of illumination of the Castle and the different colors in the fireworks.
They had some displays of polar flares with equatorial rings of blue dots. I thought that was really impressive, but then I saw the production of heart-shaped rings!
There were a variety of burst-within-burst events, as well as some wide arrays of simultaneous flares.
There were some displays that consisted of launching intensely colored luminous balls, like multiple Roman candles.
 | At about 10:30pm we boarded the ferry back to the transportation area where we then took the tram to our "Villains" parking area. This was the view back at the Magic Kingdom from the ferry, showing the building at the head of Main Street and the castle which is down that street. |
2013 |