| Wedding of Sherri Nave and John Dockery
June 29, 2013
Sherri L Nave
John W. Dockery
were wed at the Century Christian Church, 1301 Tamarack Road, Owensboro, Kentucky.
We drove in from Louisville on Saturday morning and found the church and showed up for the wedding.
Brenda found Sherri in the brides room with her daughter who has just graduated from high school and is going to the local college in the fall. I was led to the dressing room for the guys, where I found Paul and son Trevor. We had not seen Sherri and Paul in several years and had not met any of their children.
We were delighted to meet the lovely group of young ladies who were to participate in the wedding. All day long we were pleased to see the inclusion and celebration of the children. |  |
They had done a unique memory table to celebrate the memory of loved family members. That included Sherri and Paul's father Ed Nave at right.
 | Brenda got to visit with Joyce and Paul for a bit before the wedding. |
The young men helped as ushers and the youngest girl was the flower girl.
 | Paul Nave escorts his sister Sherri down the aisle and gave away the bride.  |
Two long columns of folks waited patiently for the couple to emerge, but then they got into the birdseed throwing in earnest! They had to get birdseed out of their hair, their clothes, and even their ears before the formal photo session!
Back inside the church for a picture of the bride and all the bridesmaids.
Sherri with maid of honor Amy and all the young bridesmaids.
We were impressed that officiating in the ceremony was not only a minister but a friend, who had worked with Sherri for several years as activities director for the school where Sherri drives a schoolbus. He enjoyed the afternoon celebration with us. |  |
 | Bride and groom with Moms. |
The beautiful family that comes together in this wedding. |  |
 | The family with the grandmothers. |
Amy, Paul, John and Sherri |  |
After the photo session, we moved a mile or so down the road to the Home Builders Association for the reception with abundant food, a DJ with music, and time for fellowship. After a time of food and visiting, Sherri and John clown around with the cutting and feeding of the wedding cake. This was followed with a time of toasting the bride and groom.
 | After the cake and toast celebration, John and Sherri opened the dance floor with the first dance. We then had dances with family members and times of remembrance of family. It was a joyous time of celebration of family and friends. |
 | I loved the time of Sherri dancing with the two younger daughters of the family. A time for creating memories of the joy and love of family. |
I'd guess that this is a dance this young lady will remember. And the time of family and friend celebration was a joy and remembrance for us all. |  |
 | Paul and Amy and the children. We had just met the children, and we enjoyed the afternoon with them. |
We were pleased to spend a little time catching up with Paul and Sherri and Joyce. Memories include a time of target practice years ago which had us all together in a very different setting. |  |
 | Joyce leads a line dance as the whole group celebrates this joyous occasion. |
Sherri led a happy line dance for all who would join in, but particularly the young folks. I'm sure they will remember this as a very happy occasion, and Sherri was very gracious and contributed greatly to the spirit of fun for everyone.
During the afternoon celebration, we had an intense thunderstorm with heavy blowing rain. But after the rain came a rainbow so bright that it reflected in the wet pavement. We could see the primary and secondary rainbows on both left and right and at times we could see the entire primary rainbow.
 | This is getting a bit carried away, and sorry to leave out the guys, but we did have a spectrum of beauty and playfulness with the girls that contributed to the joy of this occasion. May they be blessed with the memories of the day of uniting of Sherri and John. |