Sunday Activities
May 30, 2010
| We had breakfast and headed out about eight to go to Northshore Church. This was our first time to see the church since they moved in the Sunday before Easter. Brenda and Elyse help keep watch on a little one until the nursery worker arrives.  The nursery is built into what was a bank teller room in the old Schwegman's building, so the teller windows are the observation windows into the nursery. |  |
Just off the vestibule they have a checkin area where the family name is accessed in the database and nametags are printed for each person. | |
The model at Northshore is to have two worship services where you worship in one and serve in the other. Ashleigh as part of the youth department helps with the children's Sunday School during the first service. At left above Ashleigh helps lead the songs and at right she is a part of a drama for the children. Darla is serving as Children's Director for the church.
At left above Jordan is one of three children taking part in an activity in the assembly of the children. At right above are the two teaching groups, with Elyse in the top group and Jordan in the bottom group.
| We joined the second worship service after having hung around with the children's activities during the first service. Byron Long is the worship leader and leads the congregation in singing. |
They have done quite a lot of video at Northshore to promote the various events and ministries. So we saw Darla onscreen promoting the children's program, and Ashleigh, Jordan and Elyse were in one segment of video.
| Byron Long on left and Jenny Johnson on right as we continue the praise service. |
Bronie Victory sings at left, then Danny and Steven on bass and Jenny Johnson on right.
George is enclosed with his drum set on the stage. | |
| The congregation enjoying the praise service. |
| The view above shows the general setting as Pastor Larry comes to bring the morning message. This setting is the fruit of very hard work by the congregation over the past couple of years and finally a home after having met in 18 temporary locations since the destruction of the former building by Katrina. |
Sunday's Memorial Day Celebration at Jeff & Leslie Moyle's
After church we went to Jeff & Darla's to change clothes and joined the Moyle family at Jeff and Leslie's for a wonderful celebration meal. Afterward the kids all got in the pool.
The danger is averted, and Ashleigh settles down to float peacefully in the middle of the pool. |  |
 | Jeff gets in the pool with Ashleigh, Jordan and Elyse. |
Now Darla enters the pool. The girls liked this picture, saying, "Look, Mama's walking on water! The walking on water part didn't last long, but it seems like the girls think she can sometimes. |  |
 | Jeff and the whole family in the pool at Jeff and Leslie Moyle's |
Jeff prepares to toss Elyse, and when he launched her, it looked like she was going to fly over the house! Jordan and Ashleigh play in the background. |  |
2010 |