Visit to Pearl River
May 22-27, 2009
We headed for Pearl River early on May 22 and checked in to our accommodations at Abita Springs. Hillcrest Lake behind our unit was very different from December with the cypress trees lush green and the water lillies in bloom. |  |
We went to Jeff's house at about 4pm and we headed into New Orleans for the Greekfest. We traveled through Slidell and across the twinspan bridge and got to see the construction of the new twin bridge which will replace it. |  |
 | We got a glimpse of the New Orleans skyline as we traveled Interstate 10 and then headed across New Orleans to the Greek festival, one of Jeff's favorite events. Jeff and Darla were going to run in the 5k race and then enjoy the rest of the evening at the festival. |
This is the Holy Trinity Cathedral and Hellenic Cultural Center. The event is the 36th Annual Greek Festival New Orleans.
We spread a blanket on the grass near the canal and then the first thing the girls wanted to do was go to the climbing wall. Elyse was first in climbing gear.
Jordan, below, is next up the wall. | |
Ashleigh is next up the climbing wall. All three girls did well, showing that they had tried this before.
Darla and Jeff returned after their 5K race and joined us on the grassy bank of the canal behind the church. Across the canal was where the race was run. We enjoyed the fine Greek food available at the festival. Then we got some outstanding Greek pastries. We noted that most of the people serving food were actually speaking Greek to each other in their casual conversation.
 | This was the view from our position of the crowd along the canal bank. |
The crowd on the other side of the church where the band was was even greater - you could hardly move. The weather was comfortable with a neice breeze blowing -- perhaps that contributed to the huge crowd of hundreds of people. |  |
 | Darla and the girls visit with old friends from Williams Boulevard Church.  |
 Jordan and Ashleigh decide to go back and try the climbing wall after dark. At left, Jordan is nearly to the top. At right, Ashleigh is coming up behind her. |  |
 | We stayed at the festival until about 10 or so and got this perspective of the church and the spotlights playing around the sky as we left to go to our car. |
Celebration of Dave Moyle's Birthday, May 23
 | Elyse helps Darla with making crust for pies for Dave's birthday celebration.  |
Wow! Those pies turned out beautifully!  |  |
Brenda wanted photos of Ashleigh and Jordan in their nice back yard, so she took one of Ashleigh by the blueberry bushes and one of Jordan with the Mexican heather and Lantana.
 | The family gathered at the Moyle's for a nice dinner and the birthday celebration. |
The kids had their dinner at the patio since they were all wet from water balloon games. |  |
The kids gather around Paps as we begin the birthday celebration. From left Ashleigh, Caleb, Jordan, Bethany, Elyse, Lindsey.
Dave opens gifts, but the real treasure here is not in those packages, but in the grandchildren gathered around.
Dave certainly seems to have plenty of help with the gift opening!
All eight grandchildren were present at the celebration, with six of them shown here. We were privileged to be a part of this enjoyable family gathering.
Northshore Church, May 24
 | Northshore Church is a vital ministry, even after having a building destroyed in Katrina and having moved locations several times. We enjoyed attending the worship service at the current location (one of many) at Slidell Athletic Club on Gause Boulevard in Slidell. Jeff and Darla are certainly active, with Jeff being Associate Pastor/Counselor and Darla the Children's Director. We have enjoyed getting to know Pastor Larry and Jay all the way back to before Katrina and have appreciated Byron and Luis's ministries as well.
The worship service was held in the large dance studio, and for each service chairs had to be set up. At one time Jeff was involved in drilling holes in several hundred tennis balls because they put the tennis balls on the feet of the chairs so as not to mar the nice wooden dance floor. Everything had to be put in place for the service and then taken down afterward. |
2009 |