RA Racer Derby
February 13, 2008
 | The track is set up in the upper breezeway and Wayne Tyson and Rod check final alignment of the track. Wayne tips the starting gate and we are off on the 2008 RA Racer Derby!  |
The starting line is a busy place with Wayne starting the races, Rod recording winners, and Johnny Huffman and Jason Medina checking car weights.
 | The cars are lined up for style judging as well as speed. |
Johnny and Stan are at the finish line to judge the winners. It is not easy! Some of the races are very close. |  |
 | Johnny checks the starting alignment of the cars Grayson Bartlett watching intently. |
Proudly placing his sleek red car on the starting line. |  |
 | Christopher Suarez places his nicely decorated car on the starting line. |
Wayne starting the race with Jason and Johnny observing. |  |
 | Corey Tyson with his fancy Schoolbus at the starting line. |
Scottie places his car at the starting line. Wayne is ready to start the race. |  |
 | This is Scottie's night to join us, so he enjoyed joining in on the race. Wayne, Jason and Johnny look on. |
Christopher Saurez and Kevin Lopez place their cars for one of the final races. |  |
 | Kevin Lopez places his car for a race against Corey's schoolbus. |
Chano Medina and Grayson Bartlett setting their cars on the starting line. |  |
 | It was a close race, so they swap lanes and race again. |
Angel Saurez and Javier Lopez with their sons Kevin and Chris. |  |
 | Stan starts this race for Crusaders. |
Grayson and father Kevin Bartlett take a finish-line view of the RA Racer track. |  |
The winners line up for the presentation of the prizes.
2008 RA Racer Derby Winners |
Lads (Grades 1-3) |
Race | Style |
1st: Chano Medina | 1st: Grayson Bartlett |
2nd: Grayson Bartlett | 2nd: Christopher Suarez |
Crusaders (Grades 4-6) |
Race | Style |
1st: Fallah McLean | 1st: Cory Tyson |
2nd: Gent Memishi | 2nd: Gent Memishi |
Open Class |
Race | Style |
1st: Kevin Lopez | 1st: Jason Medina |
2nd: Stan Johnson | 2nd: Kevin Lopez |
 | Rod presents an award of a flashlight to Grayson Bartlett. The flashlight refers to Jesus' instruction to us that we are to be the salt of the Earth and the light of the world. We also recognized younger brother McCabe for running the hotwheels race.  |
Gent, Cory, Christopher and others bargain for different colors of flashlights, but in general they like the flashlights as prizes. Maybe they hear the message about Royal Ambassadors being "light" in the World. |  |
2008 |