Spring Flowers at Bent Tree
April 19, 2008
 | On the steep mountainside behind the Bent Tree house lush new life was springing up. The simple elegance of the yellow violet above was an inspiration to me. I was glad to see the mayapple or mandrake plants like the one at left springing up all over the hillside. The well-watered rue anemone below is just about the first flower out in the spring, and it was out in abundance. |
The simple rue anemone yet shows intricate detail in its leaves. |  |
 | This bloodroot beside Chestnut Cove Trail has its flower stalk up and will bloom in a few days, so I was wishing I could come back next week to see it.  |
 Large patches of rue anemone were growing out of the leaf litter. I like seeing the variations on the violet, like the white violet above. |  |
 | Large clumps of mayapple preview the time when it will carpet the entire forest floor later in the season. |
 | The light blue variety of violets is reasonably rare in my experience there, but very beautiful. |
This is the most common variety of violet, but I enjoy it too. It has a variety of shades from light violet to deep purple. |  |
 | Happy violets after the rain. |
We were a little early to catch this trilium in bloom, but it was neat growing beside the lichen-covered log. |  |
 | Even this maple seedling made a dramatic statement in its spring emergence. |
 | The white flower above left is quite abundant on the rocks and in the forest. The white violet above right is a little rarer, but I see it often on the stream below Chestnut Cove Trail. These are the white flowers along with the ever-present rue anemones at left. |
2008 |