Sigma Pi Sigma Induction, GSU
March 29
, 2007
 | Hadley AwardA special feature of this year's Sigma Pi Sigma Induction ceremony was the inauguration of the Joseph H. Hadley Award for the Outstanding Advanced Graduate Student in Physics. Aruna Weerasekera was the first recipient of this award. |
Dr. Steve Manson and Dr. Brian Thoms, the SPS Advisor, present token awards for the graduate recipients since the formal awards will be presented at the Arts and Sciences Honors Day on April 4.
Aruna Weerasekera with Dr. Joseph H. Hadley and Pat after the ceremony inaugurating the award. The award honors outstanding academic and research performance for a physics graduate student near the end of their Ph. D. program. In the inauguration of this award, we also sought to honor Dr. Hadley for his many years of excellent service to the Department of Physics and Astronomy as its chair for many years. One of the faculty discussing the award said "Joe was essentially the architect of this department." Taking the position of Chair of the Physics Department in 1964 at what was then Georgia State College, he played a major role in crafting the Department of Physics and Astronomy as GSU attained University status.
Joe and Pat Hadley with Steve Manson at the reception following the award ceremony. | |
 | Joe and Pat with Dick Miller. Dr. Miller, the current chair, had done most of the work to put the Hadley Award in place, but because of a long-running dental appointment, he barely made it there for the celebration. |
Sigma Pi Sigma Inductees
 Charles Spencer |  Ronald Vaughn |
 Enrique Carrion | ΣΠΣ Five persons were inducted into Sigma Pi Sigma, the national physics academic honor society.
 Michael Wehner |  Adric Riedel |
Robert H. Hankla Award
Marcus A. Stevens is introduced as the winner of the 2007 Robert H. Hankla Award for the outstanding senior in Physics and Astronomy. He is given a token gift by the Advisor for the Society of Physics Students, Dr. Brian Thoms, since the official award is given on April 4 at the Arts and Sciences Honors Day.
 | Sreeja Parameswaran is the winner of the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award in physics. She is recognized by Dr. Steve Manson. |
The award for the Outstanding Second Year Graduate Student in Physics was shared by three graduate students: Indranil Mitra, Maxim Durach and Anastasia Rusina left to right in the above photo. |  |
Thanks to Dr. Brian Thoms, Undergraduate Advisor for Physics and Advisor to the Society of Physics Students for doing the work to organize and make this event possible.
2007 |