Approach to Carlsbad Caverns
May 20, 2007
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Click on the small images for different parts of the Carlsbad trip.
| We drove through Carlsbad, New Mexico and then on about twenty miles to get to the Carlsbad Cavern area. When we went through Whites City and turned into the approach canyon to Carlsbad Caverns there was a dramatic change of scenery. The bluff canyon walls sheltered a variety of cactus, and we could see cactus flowers. This was to be our first exploration stop. |
The flowering of the cactus was something I had never seen in person before, and I was awed by it. The bloom is spectacular, and the buds are very interesting in form.
I found the forms of new growth on the cactus to be fascinating. There are new "leaves" and new buds.  | |
| As Edgar and I explored this small area, I was continually amazed at the exquisite beauty of the cactus flowers. |
From old-looking cactus plates come vibrant flowers and vigorous new buds. | |
This kind of vibrance springing out of old plates in an area that I had expected to be dry was very touching to me. It was if God was painting a picture of life and renewal. I don't know why it impacted me so much.
 | Right beside the road was a large cactus with buds and yellow blooms. Edgar is standing beside the road below by the big cactus. |
 | We walked only about 50 feet from the road, but found multiple large cactuses with blooms and new growth. The setting with the red rock cliffs behind seemed just right for this cactus garden. There was no evidence of cultivation - it all looked completely natural. |
 | This gives the setting for the close view of the yellow cactus blooms above. The plant was maybe forty feet from the road. |
 |  There were other flowering plants among the cactus, and even the leaves showed color as this area celebrated spring in the desert. |  |
The tiny purple flowers above and at right were only about a half inch across. This plant covered the ground in places.  | |
 | It was hard to leave this place, but if we were ever going to get to the Caverns, we had to move along. |
2007 |