RA Racer Derby 2006
We gathered in the church foyer on February 15 for the annual RA Racer Derby. Mark was the official starter, shown here with Johnny Huffman and Stan, RA Leaders. Mark built this track several years ago, but this was the first time he was free to join us for the race. At right a group of racers and spectators watch the action.
Mark pulls the starting gate and the cars zip down the track. Francisco Nava is watching the finish line. |
Corey Tyson is presented the award for first place in the Lad race. Paco Nava was in second place. They swapped places in style, with Paco winning first place and Corey winning second. This made them eligible for the West Metro Associational Derby.
Corey Tyson, above, is presented the award for first place in the Lad race. Paco Nava at right was in second place. They swapped places in style, with Paco winning first place and Corey winning second.
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Kevin Lopez was the winner of the Crusader race, above left. Kevin Cordova at right was second. For style, Kevin Lopez was first and Kevin Cordova second.
 | In the Open class, Javier Lopez won both the race and style divisions. Stan was second in the race, and Christian Nava was second in style. |
This includes most of the racers and leaders. In front left is Corey Tyson. Behind him, L-R: Christian Luna, Kevin Lopez, Paco Nava, Kevin Cardoba, Chris Nava, Francisco Nava. Back row: Rod, Johnny Huffman, Javier Lopez, Stan.
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