Visit from Jeff and family
February 5-8, 2005
For most of our lives we paid almost no attention to Mardi Gras, but now we praise the Lord for it since it often brings Jeff and his family to visit with us, refugees from the New Orleans area. Actually the visit is facilitated by the closing of area schools for Mardi Gras.
On Sunday Brenda got pictures of our three granddaughters in their Sunday clothes. Ashleigh and Jordan were proud to hold baby sister Elyse. This was Elyse's first trip to our house, being only five weeks old. She was extraordinarily patient with all the attention she got.
Jeff had a faculty meeting on Friday afternoon and couldn't get away until late, so they dragged in about 2:30 AM on February 5. Rod had RA breakfast at the church and the trial race for the RA Racer derby and brought one boy back to the house to work on his car. So we didn't really start our visit until later on Saturday. Ashleigh and Jordan enjoyed being in the shop as we worked on J.J. Worth's car. Elyse is kicked back in the den in her fancy car seat that serves for naps as well.
Ashleigh and Jordan enjoyed dressing up in their princess outfits. They are very creative with make-believe and puppet shows, with Ashleigh usually being the initiator.
Granddad Rod gets to hold Elyse as she gets a kiss from Princess Jordan. Elyse appears not quite sure about all this attention, but she doesn't complain.
Elyse seems wide awake here to play with Dad, but she spend a lot of time more like the yawning shot below.
Ashleigh and Jordan dragged Elyse around the den on the big soccer ball beanbag, and she was quite content with that.
Reading is always an important part of the agenda, particularly with Ashleigh. Darla spends some time reading with her.
This was Mark's first time to see Elyse.
Mark managed the handoff ok and didn't fumble in his first carry of Elyse. She slept through the whole thing.
With Jordan and Ashleigh, Mark had a much more active armload!
Andy dropped by on Sunday afternoon to celebrate the latest addition to the family.
Big sisters Ashleigh and Jordan were proud to hold Elyse for photos. Elyse, true to form, slept through the whole thing.
2005 |