RAs to Bent Tree
July 10, 2004
We invited the boys from our Spanish Vacation Bible School to our July outing and took 10 Spanish boys in addition to our regular RA boys.
This shot at our traditional picture spot on the dam includes three of the Spanish parents who went with us as well at 13 of the 14 boys we took. The total was 23 people on the trip.
|  Jason Brice manned the grill for us for our pancake breakfast. I always provide blueberries because I like them so much. |
Johnny Huffman serves pancakes to Javier Lopez and three of the Spanish boys.
|  We had about thirty people for the pancake breakfast including three of the mothers of the boys. |
Andrew Brice was anxious to get there and kept asking "How long?" He's just learning that the answer is always 15 minutes. But in about 15 minutes, we were overlooking peaceful Lake Tamarack. | |
Soon the boys were in the water, along with three of the Spanish adults. | |
| The younger boys had a great time jumping off the fishing pier. The beach sand extended the length of the pier, providing a nice bottom for play. |
The older boys liked swimming out to the dock and jumping off it. Stan also liked it as a place to relax after a long week of working with the Spanish Vacation Bible School.
The beach and lake provided a time for just unstructured play for the boys. In these situations they are very resourceful about coming up with their own games.
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| The boys got to try their hand at casting from the lake bank. Johnny Huffman in the center, below, is our main fishing coach and he was being assisted by Jacob Long. |
One side of the pier is reserved for fishing, and the other side for swimming.
The two docks gave a lot of space for a variety of activities.