Junior Olympics, Georgia Dome
July 2, 2004
We got up early on the day of competition and Sarah put on her TaeKwonDo gear. Joshua is up ready for breakfast.
 | Sarah with her Coach, dressed out for the opening ceremonies. Joshua is fairly content to sit in the seats and play with his Gameboy.
Marsha, Brenda and Joshua settled in seats at the Dome. Brenda took them early and went to work, and Rod had to give an exam, so they got to the Dome just before the opening ceremonies for the afternoon competition.
Just before the sparring competition, all the young contestants were gathered in a holding area with their coaches on the other side of a barrier. Then they were assigned to one of the 17 mats for competition. Their coaches sat at either side of the mat. |
The action is fast and furious down on the mats, but up in the stands, Joshua gets a little sleepy. |
After collecting her bronze medal, the young warrior is congratulated by Mom.
With pads off and bronze medal on, it's time to celebrate. |
Leaving the Georgia Dome after a memorable day at the Junior Olympics.
2004 |