New Orleans, Memorial Day Weekend
Saturday, May 29, 2004
We joined Jeff and Darla and the girls for breakfast and relaxed around the house. Darla played some games on the computer Ashleigh and Jordan.
 We went to City Park and after a brief stop to check out a horse, we headed for the streetcars.
We stood in line to catch the crowded streetcar. It was the celebration of the reopening of the Canal Street streetcar line after many years of being closed.
The streetcar traveled from the park on palm-lined streets before making the turn to go down Canal Street.
We had the unique opportunity to see a New Orleans -style funeral procession along the way, with a marching band following a horse-drawn hearse.
We rode the streetcar down Canal Street and along the Riverfront where we could see the bridge and the Natchez tour boat. Then we walked through the French Market past the Joan of Arc statue. The streets were crowded on this Memorial Day weekend.
We made it to the Cafe du Mond for coffee and beignets, one of our favorite New Orleans things.
After brushing off the powdered sugar, we headed out to the Riverwalk to have a look at the boats.
Ashleigh and Jordan took advantage of a convenient stage to give us an impromptu performance.
We walked back up to Canal Street and waited for the streetcar there for our trip back to the park.
We were finally on our streetcar, headed back to City Park where we had left the car.
2004 |