The Journey
April 18-20, 2003
The Mableton First Baptist choir and drama group again presented the Easter drama "The Journey" at the Mableton Ampitheater.
Bud Durand is the narrator, as old John looking back on the Journey. Tye Durand, his son, played young John. Note the live lamb in the crowd.
Bud tells of the people's excitement when they heard that Jesus was coming. |
Jesus enters, walking beside the donkey. We learned not to try to ride it when Jeff played Jesus!
Roman soldiers, Pharisees plus Jesus and disciples. Milton Bryant, Richard Peal and Michael Scarbro at the Pharisees, Matthew Smith the commander of the soldiers. |
Jesus and disciples, discussion with Pharisees.
Jesus with woman caught in adultery. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Jonathan Olds brings Susan Caldwell. |
Jesus and the woman: "Go, and sin no more."
Jesus approaches crippled man. Jim Caldwell. |
Jesus heals the crippled hand.
Rejoicing in the healing. |
A boy with a crippled leg comes to Jesus. Gail Morris and son Kyle.
Jesus responding. |
Rejoicing in the healing.
Blind woman. Peggy Jo Boyles brought by Carol Durand. |
Rejoicing in the sight. The blind see, the lame walk.
Rod again plays the role of Nicodemus, with Dan Antonio as Jesus and Larry Owenby as Peter.
2003 |