BSU Gathering at the Rollins'
May 17, 2003
We gathered at the home of Laddie and Becky Rollins in Sautee, Georgia for our bimonthly Georgia Tech BSU alumni gathering. We enjoyed a nice buffet lunch with generous servings of conversation along the way. At left above are Merle Griffin, Betty Jones, R. B. Coulter, Mary Tanner and Brenda Nave. The photo at right adds Nancy Bonds and Jim Tanner.
Henry and Betty Fields were able to join us from their home in Waleska. Laddie and Warren are spectators at this point, but not for long.
Charles and Merle Griffin, Warren and Sue Woolf and R. B. in the buffet line.
It was a great time for conversation. Aubrey Bush and Laddie Rollins at left and Jim Tanner with Norman Petty.
It was another great occasion for old friends to get together. Many thanks to Laddie and Becky for sharing their beautiful home in the mountains. It is always great to get together with Warren and Sue.