Jeff and Family Visit
March 4, 2000
 | Jeff and Darla and the girls arrived about midnight. Rod took off with the RAs for his monthly outing with them on Saturday, and when he returned they had Ashleigh's house erected on the carport. Ashleigh was ready to be taken for a ride in the stroller. Rod had not seen her since Christmas and saw a big change. Her coordination and movements had developed and she was putting words together in sentences. She wanted to sit in the van, and use phrases like "Granddad drive? and other two and three word phrases used correctly. She is just two weeks shy of her second birthday. |
 | Rod played around with superimposing Ashleigh on a flower from the front yard. Adobe Photoshop is the tool for doing this.
 | Jordan had made even more dramatic advances. She was sitting up easily, rolling over on the floor and seems to be on the verge of crawling. She still showed a very happy disposition and would laugh and smile when you played with her. She is six months old. |
 | Grandma and Grandad kept Jordan and Ashleigh for Jeff and Darla to go out to dinner and to a movie. We laughed about it taking us both full time to take care of two tiny girls. The shots above represented about the only time we had to take pictures - when they both wore out and dropped off to sleep for short naps. Bath time was really a hoot. Brenda had both the girls in the steam shower with her to try to help clear up some of their congestion. She then handed Jordan out to Rod, who wrapped her in a towel and put her in a stroller while Brenda finished up with Ashleigh and handed her out.
We have thought back on this experience many times and laughed about the fact that two adults were totally exhausted from taking care of two tiny girls for a few hours.
Jordan had done OK with Grandma and Granddad, but she was genuinely delighted to see her mother come in the door. Darla bounced her on her lap and she laughed and laughed. The happy disposition she showed as a small baby is continuing as she grows - I had never seen her this happy.
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