Fall Awana
August 21, 2024
Schools have begun and we start our Awana program for the Fall.
 | We had a good group of Awanas for our first fall meeting. Johnny Huffman congratulates one of the young Awanas for leading the pledges to start our meeting. |
We had one Spark award for scripture memory in this first fall meeting. | 
 | Our Pledge to the Bible encourages putting God's word in our hearts. Doing that is recognized in our awards to the Awana students. |
We had an enjoyable large group time led by Becky Ridgway in this first Fall meeting. Leader Tony Mode participates. | 
August 28, 2024
 | The early arrivers at Awana get first choice of the building games for the opening exercise. |
The group kept growing and all seemed to enjoy the opening activity for this weeks Awana session. | 
 | The meeting started with the pledges to the American and Awana flags and the Bible. The group now awaits the presetation of awards. |
We were very proud of seven advancements on this night, six in T&T and one in Sparks. A lot of work was done last week in our first Fall session. | 
September 4, 2024
 | Tonight in Awana was the night to wear your school colors and emblems, and these sisters celebrated Clarkdale. |
Johnny Huffman picks out one Awana to lead the pledges to start our meeting. | 
 | It's award time and this Sparks Awana gets a new advancement on his red Sparks vest. |
Two T&T Awanas and two Sparks Awanas received advancements this evening. | 
September 11, 2024
 | This achievement award to a T&T Awana student puts the first award symbol on her green shirt. |
September 18, 2024
 | After this T&T Awana student leads the opening pledges, Johnny Huffman asks her questions from her biography sheet to help us get to know her better. |
One T&T Awana and two Sparks Awanas received advancements this evening for their Scripture learning. | 
October 2, 2024
 | After the pledges and Awana cheer, Becky Ridgway calls forth the first Spark achievement award. |
It was the first of a great night of awards, followed by six T&T awards. | 
This great night of Bible learning achievements ended with seven T&T awards and two Sparks awards!
 | Mrs Becky calls the group to prayer at the end of the opening session. |
October 9, 2024
We start Awana with a brief recreation time, which consisted of coloring sheets for this meeting. | 
 | The meeting starts with the pledges to American flag, Awana flag and the Bible. Johnny Huffman picked one of the youngest Sparks Awanas to lead today. |
After leading the pledges, the Awana is asked questions from their get-acquainted sheet to help the others get to know them better. | 
 | The first awards were to three Sparks Awanas. |
We add an award to a T&T Awana. | 
Now when we add two more T&T Awana and another Sparks Awana, we have a multicultural group of achievers that we can really be proud of!
 | We were pleased to have two pairs of siblings in the Awana meeting, a brother with younger sister and two brothers. |
October 16, 2024
After the opening pledges, Mrs. Becky explains the night's agenda and prepares for the award ceremony. |  |
| Mrs. Becky presents a red Sparks vest to a new Awana. The red vest is the first recognition of Scripture learning for beginning Sparks Awanas. |
It was a good evening of recognition for Scripture learning, with three Sparks and two T&T Awanas getting recognition for achievement. |  |
October 23, 2024
| The opening entertainment for tonight was floor puzzles. |
It appears that Awanas of all the age groups enjoy the puzzles. |  |
 | After the opening pledges were the awards and we recognized two Sparks and one T&T awana for scripture memorization. |
Gail Wade provides leadership in Spanish for the small group session of scripture memorization. |  |
October 30, 2024
 | This was a special celebration session of Awana for Halloween in which the students got to make up their own goody bag and had ice cream later. |
Each Awana got a bag with their name on it and could select from the collection of snacks and gifts. |  |
 | They could choose from the selection of small gifts for their bag. |
The opening game was bingo with a halloween or pumpkin theme, called by Teresa Lamb. |  |
 | They seemed to enjoy the bingo and paid close attention. |
The next step was the saying of the Awana pledges. Johnny Huffman then asks questions to help us to know the pledge leader better. |  |
 | Becky Ridgway leads the group toward the ice cream treats. Johnny Huffman and Teresa Lamb help. |
We took the groups back to the age group rooms to enjoy the ice cream treats. |  |
 | Everyone enjoyed the ice cream treats and then we had the small group scripture study in the individual rooms. Barbara Porter leads. |
We moved to the large group session and had the awards for Scripture recitation. We had three Sparks awards and one T&T award. |  |
 | Becky Ridgeway had a special story for large group time which involved a pumpkin and led to scripture passages read from cards she provided. |
November 6, 2024
We recognized work done in memorizing and reciting Scripture for one Sparks and one T&T Awana |  |
November 13, 2024
 | We start Awana with a brief recreation period, and some chose to fo color sheets. Tony Mode observes. |
Building was another option, and these two chose to build with jenga blocks, |  |
 | They were pretty ambitious about building a skyscraper with jenga blocks. |
An Awana student leads the pledges to start the meeting, and then Johnny Huffman asks the leader about his favorite items from his biography sheet. |  |
 | On this night we recognized those Awanas who had had perfect or near perfect attendance. |
We recognized three Sparks and two T&T Awanas for Scripture memorization and recitation. |  |
November 20, 2024
 | Our opening exercise was to make up Thanksgiving cards to send to the shut-ins of our church. |
Johnny Huffman joins with one of our Hispanic Awanas to lead the pledges. |  |
 | After the pledges, Johnny asks questions about favorite things. |
After the pledges, it is time to recognize the work of those who have studied the Bible and made advancements. |  |
 | Special recognition to a T&T Awana who has worked hard and learned a lot of Bible verses. |
Awards for Bible learning were given to 3 T&T and 1 Sparks Awanas. |  |
December 4, 2024
 | Mrs.Becky explains that tonight's meeting will be special because we are preparing for the Stories and Songs special event next week. |
In the opening period we take time for special recognitions like new members and the recognition of birthdays. |  |
 | Johnny Huffman selects a different Awana each week to lead the pledge to the American and Awana flags and the pledge to the Bible. It helps other Awanas to get to know those who are leading. |
We recognize the Bible study of the Awanas by giving awards for learning and reciting Scripture. Tonight we recognized four Sparks and one T&T Awana. |  |
 | At this time we moved all the Sparks and T&T Awanas to the Sanctuary to prepare for next week. Mrs Becky explained that we would start the Stories and Songs like one of our large group Awana meetings. We would then use gift items to explain parts of the Nativity events. |
Mrs Becky showed us a box of wrapped items like those in a Nativity scene of Jesus' birth. She holds an animal like one of those around the manger. Next week they would be wrapped gifts that Awanas would open to help tell the story of the Nativity. |  |
 | By unwrapping some of the items, we reviewed the story of Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus in the stable. They participated well and asked questions. It was a good preparation for next weeks program. |
Mrs Becky showed us a box of wrapped items like those in a Nativity scene of Jesus' birth. She holds an animal like one of those around the manger. Next week they would be wrapped gifts that Awanas would open to help tell the story of the Nativity. |  |
 | The Awanas were very interested in the objects depicting the manger and baby Jesus. It was a good review of the material they had studied in the Bible. |
The review of the story in the Bible was a good preparation for the participation of the Awanas in next week's program. They were clearly excited about it. |  |
December 11, 2024
December 18, 2024
 | This was our night for Awana Christmas party. As the Awanas arrived, they could pick up items from each plate to start their red gift bags. |
Mrs Becky had made up the red gift bags for each Awana for this celebration night. |  |
 | In the next room they could decorate cookies for their gift bag. |
On a table a sweet frosting material and tools were provided. |  |
 | Next was the adding of colored sprinkles and small candies to finish the cookies. |
Soon the whole room was busy with the cookie decorating process. |  |
 | Finally we gathered back in the main meeting room for the selection of gifts. Gifts were hidden under the large red cups, and each Awana could choose one when their name was called. Three cycles through all the names gave each person three small gift items. |
2024 |