Christmas Morning at Radio Road
December 25, 2023
Starting Christmas morning by reading the Christmas story from the Bible has been a tradition for Jeff and Darla with the girls all the girls' lives. Since Brenda and Rod have spent night before Christmas elsewhere all these years, this is the first time we have been able to participate in this precious tradition. We started about 7:30am.
Looks like another tradition, matching pajama bottoms for Christmas eve! Very impressive!
 | The first round of gift exchanging was with the girls and Luke.The spacious living room was a great place to do it. |
Brenda tries to catch the spirit of this gift giving, and Darla is already busy in the kitchen. | 
Jeff and Darla bring their coffee over and they and Brenda watch the excitement of the young folks gift exchange.
 | Jordan shows off a new board game that they will make use of later. |
The scene shifts to gifts to Mom and Dad from the younger generation. | 
 | There were gifts for Grandma and Granddad as well. We were pleased that Jordan has gotten deeper into photography and has sold some of her photos. We understood that she took this aligator photo off of Lake Pontchartrain east of New Orleans. |
We were pleased with a gift of a loaf of homemade bread that Ashleigh had made. We ate every bite of it! | 
 | Around 8:30am we took a break to the kitchen and to look at the current crossword puzzle. |
Ashleigh,Jeff, Jordan and Luke all concentrating on the current crossword puzzle. The Times Picayune newspaper is outstanding for its comic strips and its crossword puzzles, which all of us value. | 
 | At about 9am we were back in the living room for the sharing of the Christmas stockings. After that we completed preparations for joining the Christmas Day celebration at Grammy's. |
2023 |