Stories and Songs
December 8, 2021
 | Our annual Stories and Songs program at Mableton First Baptist featured the Youth department and the Awana children. |
The program started with a dramatic dance. |  |
 | The youthful narrators started the Christmas story with him expressing some doubts. |
Mary comes onto the stage, and to our surprise, the narrator greets her "Hello, Mary", and she smiles and waves. |  |
 | The angel appears to tell Mary that she will bear a child. |
Now the angel appears to Zechariah to tell hime that his wife Elizabeth will bear a son in her old age. His doubt caused him to be unable to speak for the course of the pregnancy. |  |
 | Mary travels to visit Elizabeth, who is pregnant with John. Zechariah stands by silently. |
When the baby is born, Zechariah is finally able to break his silence and proclaim that his name is John! |  |
 | The time has come for the baby Jesus to be born, and Mary and Joseph kneel beside him. |
Mary keeps asking the doubting narrator "Do you believe now?", but he is still uncertain. |  |
 | The shepherds have their encounter with the angels, and prepare to go to Bethlehem. |
So the shepherds make their way to Bethlehem to worship the Christ child. |  |
 | Then came the three wisemen from the east, bearing their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Being warned in a dream, they departed homeward by another route to avoid Herod. |
Mary and Joseph, also warned about Herod, prepared to journey to Egypt. Mary continues to challenge the narrator. "Do you believe yet?" |  |
 | Finally impacted by the drama of Christ's birth, the narrator is first disturbed by the harm that Herod might do, and then rejoicing that the baby will be safe in Egypt. He finally comes to belief! |
Thanks to the leaders of the Youth and Awana programs for guiding the program, and to the parents who supported by attending and sharing their family members with us.
2021 |